The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man: Essential Stories by Franz Kafka, Alexander Starritt

Free text books download The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man: Essential Stories 9781782274391 by Franz Kafka, Alexander Starritt

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  • The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man: Essential Stories
  • Franz Kafka, Alexander Starritt
  • Page: 192
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9781782274391
  • Publisher: Steerforth Press


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Free text books download The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man: Essential Stories 9781782274391 by Franz Kafka, Alexander Starritt


New translations of the best stories by the one of the twentieth century's greatest and most influential writers Kafka, whose name has generated an adjective, is one of the best loved writers of the twentieth century. Known for his dark, enigmatic stories, for the absurd nightmares he depicts, his extraordinary imaginative depth is clear in stories from 'A Hunger Artist' to 'The Verdict'. But Kafka also wrote fizzingly funny, fresh stories, and The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man contains all the aspects of this genius: the wit and the grit; the horror and the humour; the longing and the laughing. They range from bizarre, two-sentence stories about Don Quixote to the famous brutal depiction of violence and justice that is 'In the Penal Colony'. In a nimble new translation by the acclaimed Alexander Starritt, this collection of Kafka's essential stories shows the genius at his very best.

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